Jeff Hickok
For me pictures are small adventures. They are my connection to the outdoors and a reminder of the time I spent behind my camera – time when I can forget the world for a while; forget the normal human sadness, stress, and worry and get lost in the adventure of searching out the best light and composition for the image. I quest for that one, great, perfect picture knowing that I will never fully capture it, but in the end, the adventure to find it seems to matter more. As I work on an image, my hope is for the story within the image to stand on its own. Although in time I hope to add the written account of my adventure to go along with my best images, if only for me to relive the old adventure in a new time.
I pull inspiration from Bret Weston for his absolute dedication to his craft, Ansel Adams for his technical ability and connection to nature, and Saul Leiter for his ability to turn color and light into art.
Jeffrey L. Hickok – 2023